Hi, as this is my first Blog I am both nervous and excited. It occurred to me as I was thinking about writing it, that new communication technologies cross the boundaries of age, responsibilities, lifestyle, careers and interests as children, teenagers, mothers and grandparents Text, Tweet and blog away whilst communicating and building relationship via social websites.
Iris clients also cross a wide age range from 20's to 60's, both men and women and what I love so much is that their commonality is the desire to have a Style which, whilst comfortable for them and expresses who they are is contemporary and aware. There is no denying that with age come changes to our body and appearance but we are no longer categorised by an age bracket and can be fashionable, sexy, stylish even trendy and that is also regardless of shape, size and colouring, the lines have become blurred. The way we dress, socialise and build relationships is now more about personality than age.
Iris Personal Styling works with it's clients to either develop their personal style as the foundation of their wardrobe or stay true to the style they are confident with , working with this as the basis for building a wardrobe with quality, style and value at its core.
I'll be blogging weekly with lots of tips and ideas but meantime find Iris at irispersonalstyling.co.uk or email me at gill@irispersonalstyling.co.uk.
Best wishes Gill
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